where do i start? this weekend has been weird and crazy.
after the presentation to vw, the atmosphere was finally relaxed again after everybody had been working and stressing so much. we actually got more than 2 hours of sleep. so, basically it was time to party again.
even though, alex and i had to submit our quarter away choices, we successfully postponed it to yesterday. the weekend was free time, no worrying about next quarter.
it all started out on friday. alex and i were asked by sebastian and nanni to be the photographers for the Mercedes New Years Party. the location was pretty cool and packed. nearly everybody of the mercedes crowd was there. we knew a few of the german interns already, alex even better than me, but there were also hundreds of chinese employees. after a few speeches held by the board (awfully poor english on the german side) and some more or less funny videos about the different departments, it was time for a round of 'who wants to be a millionaire'. and here starts the embarrassment.
fucking hell. they hid stickers under the seats and whoever was sitting on such a chair had to be the contestant. great technique! and who was the lucky one??? me!
i really tried to maneuver myself out of it, by smiling but vehemently shaking my head. and who thought we germans were stubborn? the fight was lost before it began. i was standing there like the last idiot on the planet still shaking my head like i had Parkinson's.
i might would have had a chance if it were questions about everything else but the chinese company history of mercedes. but, hey, of course it was about numbers, locations and other sort of really interesting facts of MBC.
i was standing on the stage in front of these mercedes people with no fucking clue where the last trainee camp was build, shanghai or beijing, how many spear-parts they had sold in 2006 or whether their employees were taught how to manage angry customers.. haha, so being the foreign looser was great. at least i got a nice mercedes jacket, made in china, which means that after opening the first button it just cracked and now my wonderful mercedes jacket doesn't close anymore. damn!
after that episode, i took advantage of the free alcohol.
alex was still shooting his way through the slowly but constantly more drunken people, while i did my best to get where most of the chinese already were. but the most gruesome things were yet to come. the buffet!
the chinese seem to take a rather intense interest in buffets. you have never seen a more skilled people in shoving up food on a small plate. it was amazing to watch. while some created true masterpieces of something that at some point looked like modern art others just stayed where they were put. in front of their favorite food. and, no, they wouldn't leave. just standing there, eating from the plate in front of them, while a big cue was building up behind them. but the chinese have nerves. they don't give a fuck about anyone thats not related to them. so, i just got a few sushi and the hell out of there.
the event had started at 2 and now by 8 i was wondering how long it would last. but that question answered itself pretty quickly. 2 secs after the big lucky draw, where nearly everybody got a price, ALL of the chinese where gone. i had just gotten myself a new white wine and when i turned around, the place that before had been crowded with happy looking chinese was empty. the only thing left was a few german interns and the board members. due to alcohol and a youth in the 80s they soon started to shake everything they got to nena.
sebastian and alex and i were passively standing and watching with our glasses. we decided it was time to change locations.
picking up our jackets we collected three mercedes cakes. they didn't make it long. sebastian, cold-heartedly, threw two of them out of alex apartment. mine is still sitting on the fridge next to my new mercedes s class model-car.
anyhow, we ended up at kai's again, where someone was getting so pissed that he was 'multitasking' around and we fought over the fact who would get a round of drinks. after i had a nice encounter with kai's toilette, voted the worst toilette in whole beijing, we decided to move on. suzi wongs was the next stop. i dunno what happened, but alex was suddenly gone and sebastian and i kept up the legacy by staying there till 6 or something. pissed as shit. but in beijing u don't need to worry about anything. you ll always get home. u just get the next of the 70, 000 taxis and pay ur 1.10 euro. so, somehow i ended up home and went to go shopping. the sun was shining and it was warm, which happened to be great, since alex had left with my jacket.
so, i got my yoghurt and water and went home. i could still see the left overs of the cake sebastian had thrown out earlier. but i just had to sleep.
the rest of saturday is another story, alex got more to tell about that.
but guys, what's that stuff about the milk; i don't get it.